Why Is Your Family’s Indoor Air Quality Important? We now spend much more time indoors than outside, at work, in gyms, and our own homes. Our time spent in conditioned spaces has increased due to recent health restrictions. Consider this: how hygienic is the indoor air we breathe? As per a recent report from the Environmental Protection Agency, the air quality within the average household is 5 times nastier (full of dander, pollen, dust, and other impurities) than the air outside. Air purification systems installed by the sultancomfortsolutions team will keep your family and home healthy.
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What is IAQ (Indoor Air Quality)?
Indoor air quality refers to the air quality inside and around buildings and infrastructure, particularly related to occupant health and comfort. Indoor air quality could be a significant issue for homeowners, but understanding and managing widely known pollutants can help you reduce your risk of developing indoor health problems.
The Following Are Some Examples of Indoor Pollutants
Allergens From Indoor Dust and Pet Dander
Dust mites are microscopic insects found in carpets, bedding, upholstery, stuffed animals, and bedding. These bugs are undetectable to the naked eye, but they significantly impact human health. It is particularly true for those already vulnerable, such as the young, the elderly, or those who suffer from allergies or asthma. Chronic cough, wheezing, and irritation are all minor side effects. Simultaneously, more serious consequences may necessitate medication or even hospitalization.
The most common cause of pet allergies is dander (dead skin cells that fall off an animal’s coat). Dander from pets adheres to surfaces and seeps into cracks and crevices in the home. Dander can, unfortunately, linger in carpets, furniture, and even bed linen for months! As a result, allergy sufferers will experience a range of health issues. Vacuuming, changing bedding regularly, and wiping down surface areas are good ways to keep pollutants at bay at home. To lessen dust and animal dander concentration levels in your home, use a vacuum with a HEPA filter. Other toxins, including lead, can be removed by a HEPA filter.
Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs)
Toxic airborne chemicals called volatile organic compounds (VOCs) are released into the atmosphere as gases by certain solids or liquids. Paints, aerosol sprays, air fresheners, pesticide residues, dry-cleaned garments, and cleansers are common sources of VOCs in the home. Once in the air, these particles can have both short-term and long-term health consequences. VOCs are known to irritate the eyes, nose, and throat and cause nausea and damage to the liver, kidneys, and central nervous system.
Germs, Bacteria, And Viruses
Poor indoor air quality can make extremely infectious diseases like the cold and flu more likely to spread. More dangerous viruses, such as Coronavirus (COVID-19), pose a risk. Viruses are microscopic pathogens that require hosts to flourish. When a virus enters, it starts hijacking healthy cells and multiplying rapidly. Bacteria, also known as germs, thrive in confined spaces and quickly spread through the air. The vast majority of bacteria are non-toxic. On the other hand, some bacteria produce toxins that kill cells and harm the immune system.
How to Check Your Home's Air Quality
Independent pollution sources in the home can be eliminated, lowering indoor pollutant concentrations and emissions. Emissions from faulty appliances, such as stoves or furnaces, can produce harmful pollutants. Poor performance and improper operation of your HVAC (Heating Ventilation Air Conditioning) system are responsible for two out of every three indoor air quality issues. You should have your home equipment inspected once a year by a qualified technician.
Testing For Key Pollutants That Have Been Linked to Health Problems Can Help You Improve Your Indoor Air Quality.
Conduct a lead test
A lead test is recommended for homes built before 1978 since most indoor and outdoor paints were lead-based. Air quality in newer homes may be harmed by lead dust brought in through sources. In the home, lead dust can be especially harmful to children’s health, causing damage to the brain, central nervous system, and kidneys. To reduce lead levels in your home, use a vacuum cleaner with a HEPA filter. Toxins can also be removed using a HEPA filter. The Environmental Protection Agency offers advice on keeping your home safe from lead poisoning.
Radon testing
House owners are recommended to perform radon testing. Radon is a colorless, odorless radioactive gas that travels through the floor and into living areas through foundation cracks, gaps, and holes. It can, however, be found in even the most airtight homes, and granite countertops were also connected to radon. Because of uranium deposits in the rock strata, radon gas is common in Eastern and Central Pennsylvania. As a by-product of mining operations, uranium emits radon. The good news is that radon testing in the home is simple, cheap, and tends to take only a few minutes. The American Lung Association recommends getting a radon test because radon is the second most common cause of cancer in the USA.
Carbon monoxide testing
In your household, carbon monoxide (CO) is referred to as “The Silent Killer.” Carbon monoxide, like radon, is a poisonous gas with no odor, taste, or color. In the most extreme cases, Poisoning or death can result from a buildup of CO in the home. CO can come from any fuel-burning device, like your furnace, water heater, stove, or dryer, if it is not in good working order or has not been installed with adequate ventilation. Shortness of breath, mild nausea, and mild headaches can be signs of CO poisoning, as can dizziness, mental confusion, severe headaches, and even death.
It’s as easy as buying a mold test kit to check for mold spores in the air. Moisture attracts dust, mites, and mold. Mold and other irritants are kept at bay by maintaining a good humidity level in your home, ranging from 30% to 50%. During the summer, using a dehumidifier and air conditioner will help to reduce humidity in the air and effectively control allergens. An efficient air conditioner reduces indoor pollen counts. Today’s high central air conditioners have smart thermostats that inform fans to ramp up or down on specific needs, allowing for better humidity control.
Our Selection of The Best Whole-Home Air Cleaners
For fast and dependable indoor air quality services, call 202-999-7851. Our team of local HVAC specialists can assist you in selecting an air purifier, humidifier, or air disinfection system for your home.
Trane CleanEffects® Whole-Home Air Cleaner
The Trane CleanEffects® Whole-Home Air Cleaner uses cutting-edge technology to make your home cleaner and healthier. The Trane CleanEffects® Whole-Home Air Cleaner captures 99.98% of airborne particles, including those as small as 0.3 microns, making it 8 times more impactful than even the finest HEPA room filtration systems, up to 100 times more effective than a standard 1-inch filter. Third-party laboratory testing has shown that the Trane CleanEffects® Whole-Home Air Cleaner removes more than 99 percent of the surrogate for the virus that causes Covid-19 within 30 minutes, providing added peace of mind.
Phenomenal Aire
Needlepoint bipolar ionization technology is used in the Phenomenal Aire advanced IAQ products. Phenomenal Aire is suitable for residential and commercial HVAC and air conditioning systems (HVAC). The air-cleaning process of the technology improves existing HVAC filtration, reducing airborne pollutants within the HVAC system and occupied space.
Give Sultancomfortsolutions a call today if you need ventilation, ducting, or indoor air quality services from a licensed HVAC contractor in Northern Virginia.

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